Saturday, May 15, 2010

Today, I am thankful for my health. I am thankful for my fiance and my families health.

I am humbled by what I saw today.

Today, at the hospital, I met a woman in her early twenties with two adorably rambunctious children. Her husband is in the hospital with cancer. You can look at him and know he has cancer. He is in his early twenties as well, but he looks about fourty because he is so sick. They are such a sweet family. Because I am soon to be married, it made me feel even more for that family. That could be me, or someone I know. These are the things people don't dare dream about when they say "I do". I cannot imagine what the wife is feeling, knowing that she has to care for her sick husband and young children. I cannot imagine being the husband and feeling the weight of cancer and providing for a family, wondering how your loved ones will manage if you don't make it.

Oh, my heart breaks for them.
It's okay... not take summer classes for once be really freaked out by the "processed meat" in dog food/treats be freaked out by man-boobs not care if half of your family doesn't attend your wedding not be surprised when your best friend tells you she's bisexual miss not getting blog comments, even though your rarely blog pretend to be sleeping when your fiance annoyingly grinds on your bum early in the morning giggle in your head when your fiance steps in dog poop stall out 10,000 times while trying to learn not to drive a 5 speed have senioritis when you're a junior

Friday, May 7, 2010

How I spent my first day of summer

I spent my first and probably last day of summer break taking maternity pictures, which happen to be my absolute favorite to shoot. It must be the aspiring midwife in me, but I am so in love with pregnant women. They are absolutely captivating! I hope you enjoy this little peek of how I spent my day.

PS: The last 2 photos show some nudity, so if you're not cool with viewing what mother nature gave us, avert your eyes!
I absolutely adore this picture. I love the blissful expression on this proud momma's face. It's like she is basking in the beauty of blossoming motherhood. Pregnancy is truely captivating.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bad idea

It's probably a bad idea to drink water out of glass with kitty litter in the bottom of it, even if you just poured it. It probably means the sweet little kitties had their paws in your water when you turned your back, which is just gross.

Unless you want the whole world to know that you look homeless when you get off work and take happy pills, it's probably a bad idea to go pick up your medication from CVS after getting off work from midnight shift before you've had sleep, a shower, and proper teeth brushing. Especially when you graduated with the pharmacy tech. You know it's a bad sign when he saw you on campus the other day and doesn't recognize you now.

It's probably a bad idea to go to Starbucks and order anything but ice water when the good barista is not working.

It's probably a bad idea to have coffee and chocolate for breakfast, even if it is finals week.

It's probably a bad idea to not pee before a final exam, especially when there's 70+ questions and you realize that you have to go right now or you're going to pee yourself. Only problem: no restroom breaks allowed or it's considered "cheating".

It's probably a bad idea to call up your fiance's cousin and tell her that you could care less if she came to the wedding, unless you want the entire side of his family to hate you before you've even gotten hitched.
Dear finals,

Please suck it.



Monday, May 3, 2010

Wedding complaints

Our wedding is 5 months away, and I am already having to write dumb, petty letters like this. Already, I have had to deal with my fair share of complains from the peanut gallery/family. I have a "friend" who hasn't spoken to me since January when she found out she wasn't one of my bridesmaids. I have an uncle who is protesting the wedding because he doesn't want to drive 5 hours to the beach. And now my fiance's cousin is throwing a 40 year old temper tantrum because her 11 year old daughter is not a flower girl. She is currently making a huge scene, refusing to go on our annual family vacation together and says they will not be attending the wedding.

Good. It's all about me and my fiance that day anyway. I just as happy if 2 people show up as I would be if 200 showed up. In my mind, I figure if you care about us enough, you'll be there.

Actually, I think my fiance and I are thinking about just eloping in Vegas and maybe joining the cirucus.