Soo... today was long and interesting clinical day.
Guess who passed out putting in a catheter? Her FIRST catheter? Noneother than your's truely...
First of all, I was extremely nervous about putting in a catheter; it was the thing I had dreaded ever since learning how to do it. Luckily, my patient was too confused/agitated to realize I was a.) new at the whole catheterization thing and b.) passed out during the procedure. That was just about all we had going for us. Not only was I extremely nervous, but the patient had MRSA, and of all places, His URINE. Because of this lovely infection, we had to gown up in our gorgeous PPE. That stuff makes you really hot. It was already really hot on the floor, like unusually warm, so by the time I got everything set up and started, I was breaking out a sweat. I set up my sterile field perfectly, donned my sterile gloves perfectly, cleaned the meatus and surrounding area perfectly and I even inserted it correctly, however no urine would come out. My instructor and I (She was watching) pulled the catether out and twisted it going in to bypass the prostate. Still no urine. This is where I started getting really ansty and really hot. My instructor pushed on the patient's bladder and urine started to dribble out, very, very, very slowly. I started feeling really funny, and seeing spots, and I knew what was about to happen so I started crying and too the floor I went. Thankfully my instructor was so sweet and she said I did an excellent job. I apparently stayed on the floor a few minutes and then I got up to a chair and tried to refocus. It was an experience...
Another of my patients was extremely confused. He kept trying to get out of bed when he wasn't supposed be, because first of all, he had no clue what the heck was going on, and second, he had ulcers on his feet and they were so swollen that they were curved funny. There's no way that guy could be steady at all. I walked by his room and saw him half out of bed, so I went in and tried to get him back in bed. He was strong for a skinny old man. Feisty too, saying, "I was walkin' before you could stand!" Well, duh, you're like 398034 years old and I'm 19. Duuuuh! Some people get really freaky when they get confused, but he was funny. I asked him where he was on several occassions, and some of the answers I got were "somewhere", "the Devil's Canyon", "the military base", "Joe something's garage". He was a character. I was afraid to be in his room alone because I thought he might hit me because he was very agitated and he really believed he had somewhere to go. I kept trying to put him back in bed, and he was stare at me and move toward me like he might try to hit me. He was pretty angry. Of course if I thought I was going to be late to something and there was some little girl in a white uniform trying to stick me back in bed I'd be pissed too.
Fun day.
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