Friday, April 16, 2010

The perfect day

Yesterday 1900: Arrive home after going, going, going since 0730 with a headache after almost having a panic attack during an exam.

2130: Convince myself to go to bed after popping 3 Advil, a Percocet, and an ice pack for the knife stabbing in my head.

Today: 0530: Wake up with the same headache. And my period. Shove Advil in my mouth and grab a granola bar. And 3 pieces of chocolate.

0600: Drive to clinical. Realize I forgot my coffee cup on top of my car. Remembered my happy pill, however.

0630: Arrive at clinical wearing mismatched socks and underwear inside out.

0645: Arrive on orthopaedic floor. Realize that I forgot my stethoscope in my car.

0700: Take my patient's pulse. Realize that my watch battery died.

0830: Have a wonderful conversation with my patient about the unemployment extension.

0900: Assisted my patient with a sponge bath.

0915: Squat on the floor to help my patient put her Ted hose back on. Split the crotch in my scrub pants.

1100: Forget to write my nursing note on my patients. Proceed to get fussed at by my professor.

1101: Write nursing notes.

1230: Realize I forgot my lunch.

1231: Drive to Subway.

1232: Attempt to listen to "Rest and Relaxation" CD in the car on the way home.

1235: Get cut off by a fellow driver.

1400: Crawl in bed for a few hours before work.

1600: Wake up in a cold sweat while my head pounds. Think about calling into work and/or beating my head against a wall.

1605: Pop 3 more Advil. Eat more chocolate. Coax myself back to sleep.

1800: Attempt to get out of bed and ready for work.

1801: Reset alarm.

1825: Get ready for work.

1845: Drive to work.

2100: See one of my professors working night shift. Beg her for some Ibuprofen. She gives me 4. Gosh I love her.

It's currently 9:48 pm. I am on my break at work.

Only 5 hours and 12 minutes to go.


So, my day seems pretty sucktacular, but, it actually turned out to be wonderful.

The ex-boyfriend who works at Walmart? I saw him on my way to work driving a red station-wagon. Totally makes up for it.

Oh, and this super sweet text from my fiance:

"Baby, please don't fall asleep tonight at work and if you need me, call me. Thank you for working the suck stift [night shift] to get us more money."

I really do love my life.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, your man is a keeper :-).

    LMFAO about the split scrub pants... I didn't even know they COULD split!
