So, why on God's green earth am I in love with my brother's pooch?
(Please excuse my mom's psychadelic pj pants. They're even worse in color.)
I guess the better question would be, how could I not be in love with my brother's pooch? Look at that face. It just makes you wanna go, "Awwww".
Lord knows I should hate the sucker. Since my brother rescued him 6 weeks ago, he has:
-Terrorized my cat to the point where he won't move from the top of the refridgerator.
-Chewed my favorite bra from VS bra in half.
-Chewed my glasses.
-Eaten cat poop out of my cat's litter box.
-Ate gingerbread cookie dough right off the cookie sheet after I turned my back for .21298 seconds.
-Chewed the stuffing out of my brother's best friend's blanket.
-Ripped a hole in my mom's brand new sheets.
-Somehow found my new skeen of expensive yard and managed to cover the entire living room in it.
-Eaten egg shells.
-Threw up an entire ketchup packet.
If you've ever seen the movie Marley & Me, he's essentially a black Marley. Somehow, I just love him and I totally relish in my responsibility of being an Auntie.
wow... please forgive me in advance if this is a terrible thing... but when you said to forgive your mom's pajama pants, i was like "there's a person in that picture?" then i looked at it closer... and i realized that the tree behind your brother's dog, (that i only gave a passing glance to while concentrating on the dog) wasn't actually a tree. i need glasses....... maybe they would be better in color. ;)i have many pajama pants that are similar. :D