Look before you eat.
Or you just might end up eating dog food.
This morning I got up and went to get some cereal for breakfast, but all we had was Lucky Charms and I didn't want to eat sugary cereal. I decided I would eat a handfull of nuts for breakfast, and I picked up what I thought was a snack baggy of nuts. I hadn't put on my glasses yet and I had just woken up, so I was kind of out of it. Little did I know the bag was full of dog food, and I discovered this as it was 3 centimeters from my mouth.
Yes, my mom had packed a little baggy of dog food for my brother's pup. I have no idea why.
I told her this story tonight and she laughed her rear off.
Moral of the story: look before you eat! Or atleast put your glasses on.
LMAO! If I had a nickel for every disgusting thing that's gone into my mouth, I'd be a millionaire by now.