-I wish I knew how to bake a good chocolate cake like my chef cousin does.
-I wish I knew everything I have to learn next semester.
-I wish I knew my paternal grandfather.
-I wish I knew why people were poor.
-I wish I knew math.
-I wish I knew whether or not I would be able to have children.
-I wish I knew why God never let my parents have more children.
-I wish I knew why we had to wear white pants to clinical.
-I wish I knew where my black clogs disappeared to.
-I wish I knew why the lights on our Christmas tree only work 1/2 of the time.
-I wish I knew what happened to make my dad's side of the family so bitter.
-I wish I knew where the Salvatoin Army distribution headquarters was so I can volunteer tomorrow.
-I wish I knew why more people didn't use cloth pads rather than disposables.
-I wish I knew why people got cancer.
-I wish I knew why my dad never shaves his beard.
-I wish I knew how everything is going to work out for my fiance and I's future. Like a house, and his career, etc.
-I wish I knew why some people hate Christmas.
-I wish I knew why my parents never got me treatment for my anxiety when I was a child.
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