Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Blessing of the Hands

I meant to blog about this before, but I was busy studying for finals.

In one of my classes, I had the coolest experience called "Blessing of the Hands". One of the nursing professors started this tradition in one of her classes, and they now also do it at graduation. The whole point of it is to remember than nurses may not realize it, but we rely on our hands so much in order to bring comfort and healing to a patient.

Each student is called individually to the front where there is a big bowl. A teacher or pastor pours water on your hands to symbolize cleansing of your hands, then they hold your hands and say a prayer that your hands be instruments to help others and give them healing and comfort. After that, our professor annointed our hands with oil from Jerusalem.

I am terrible at explaining things, so if you want to read more about it, go here.

1 comment:

  1. That's cool! I've had a relative in the hospital for the last 5 weeks - a good, caring nurse can really make a patient's day!
