Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wedding garter

I couldn't sleep...
So I bought this! I love it. I think my fiance will too :)

You know you're a (student) nurse when...

1) the front of your scrubs reads ‘Nurses… here to save your ass, not kiss it!’

2) you occasionally park in the space with the ‘physicians only’ sign… and knock it over.
3) you believe some patients are alive only because it’s illegal to kill them.
4) you recognize that you can’t cure stupid.
5) you own at least three pens with the names of prescription medications on them.
6) you believe there’s a special place in hell for the inventor of the call light.
7) you believe that saying ‘it can’t get any worse’ causes it to get worse just to show you it can.
8 ) you wash your hands BEFORE you go to the bathroom.
9) you believe that any job where you can drive to work in your pajamas is a cool one.
10) you consider a tongue depressor an eating utensil.
11) eating microwave popcorn out of a clean bedpan is perfectly natural.
12) you’ve been exposed to so many x-rays that you consider it a form of birth control.
13) you’ve ever heard a patient with a nose ring, a brow ring, and twelve earrings say ‘I’m afraid of shots.’
14) you’ve placed a bet on someone’s blood alcohol level.
15) you’ve told a confused patient that your name is that of a coworker and to call if they need help.
16) your bladder can expand to the size of a winnebago’s water tank.
17) you have seen more private parts than any prostitute could dream of.
19) you believe that not all patients are annoying… some are unconscious.
19) your family and friends refuse to watch medical sitcoms with you because you spend the whole time correcting everyone and pointing out upside down x-rays.
20) you don’t get excited about blood, unless it’s your own.
21) you’ve sworn to have ‘do not resuscitate’ tattooed on your chest. Soon.
22) discussing dismemberment over a gourmet meal is perfectly normal to you
23) your idea of fine dining is anywhere you can sit down to eat.
24) your idea of a good time is a cardiac arrest at shift change.
25) you believe in the aerial spraying of prozac.
26) you believe that ’shallow gene pool’ should be a recognized diagnosis.
27) you believe that the government should require permits to reproduce.
28) you believe that unspeakable evils will befall anyone who utters the phrase ‘Wow, it’s really quiet, isn’t it?
29) you have ever wanted to write a book entitled ‘Suicide: getting it right the first time.’
30) you have ever had a patient look you straight in the eye and say ‘I have no idea how that got stuck in there.’
31) you’ve had to leave a patient’s room before you begin to laugh uncontrollably.

Italicized ones are my favorite. I found these online. Enjoy!

Too many chiefs, not enough indians?

What is it about a wedding that makes people go crazy?

I just wanted a simple, stress fun event at which people can enjoy themselves. But, everyone, and i mean everyone, feels like they need to include themselves in wedding planning. And, since I can't say no, I feel like I am just getting run over by a cement truck.

Shoot me, already.

I need to grow some ballz.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow snow, go away

Are you missing any snow?... cause I'll gladly give it back to you!

Blogging my frustrations

I am doing my best to stay positive, but...

This semester really sucks. My classes are demanding, they are early in the morning (and by early, I mean my Friday class starts at 6:30 am), and my professors, for the most part, are unruly. 2 out of  the 4 have aweful, self-centered attitudes. I feel as if they don't care about what they teach, but just want to beat the respect out of students and prove something to us. It's really irritating, and I feel like in our 3 years of nursing school, we deserve to be treated as if we know a least a little bit.

I started working midnight shift at work on the weekends, and it's totally got my sleep/wake schedule all mixed up. I work midnights on Friday and Saturday, sleep on Sunday, and have to be at work at 6 am on Monday. It really sucks.

I think I am just a little crazy for trying to plan an out-of-state wedding in less than a year, while in nursing school. Enough said.

This past Monday, the strangest thing happened to me. I went to work at 6 am, was doing fine until later in the morning. All of a sudden I started feeling very hot, which is really strange for me because it's always cold at work and I am never hot. Then, I started sweating profusely and getting very irritated and anxious. I could feel my heart racing and I just didn't feel right in my head, if that makes any sense. I walked to my boss' office and told her I wasn't feeling right; she told me to sit down and tell her what was going on. I remember that my knees started to shake uncontrollably and I was kind of scared, but that's really all I remember until I was on my way to the emergency room. My boss told me and the medical staff later that my whole body had begun to convulse and I passed out. I got an EKG to rule out an arrhythmia, a chest x-ray to rule out a blood clot, an EEG to rule out a seizure, and a brain CT to rule out a seizure. I have to wear an atrial fibrillation monitor for a month to see if there is an arrythmia going on that wasn't caught on the EKG. My neurologist said it could have been a severe panic attack, a non-epileptic seizure from stress, or an arrythmia (irregular heart beat). Whatever it was, it was scary, and I never want to go through it again. I have a feeling it was probably a panic attack, although I wasn't feeling anxious or stressed about anything in particular the day I passed out. I have been feeling a little less "strong" lately, and have been thinking that maybe my medication needs to be increased. The dumb thing is that I just saw my MD for the wormzzz (which are finally gone, by the way. Uh, gross.) and he asked how to was doing on my SSRI and if I needed a dosage change. I told him I was fine. I am a stupid, stupid girl. I am just embarrassed to admit, even to my doctor, that I take an SSRI to decrease my anxiety. I know it's ridiculous and I should have been open about not feeling as stable lately. I irritate even my own self.

Wedding Menu

I am meeting with my amazing chef cousin this weekend to discuss our wedding menu. I know it's a little soon to be discussing things like food, but she lives 2 hours away from me and we are getting married a few hours away from where we live.

So my question to my bloggy friends... If you were attending an October beach wedding, what food would you like to have? My cousin has already made a preliminary menu for us to pick and choose from, but we need to narrow it down by tomorrow.

Appetizers/Hors d’ oeuvres

Fruit & cheese display

Vegetable platter

Shrimp Cocktail cups

Crab dip with bread/crackers


Clam Chowder

Shrimp Bisque


Garden Salad with dressing

Caesar Salad

Pasta Salad


Grilled Caribbean style Chicken

Shrimp & Scallop Seafood Bake

Seafood “White” Lasagna

Blackened Chicken Pasta

So, your opinions please! I just want everyone to have a good, relaxing time and enjoy celebrating with us. Not to fancy, but not too un-fancy. Sweet and simple is my motto.

Friday, January 29, 2010


I had my patient I talked about before; the young guy with cardiac arrest from drug overdose? We had a great day today. He is making a lot of progress, especially in his speech and memory. A friend came to visit today, and he was able to whisper the friend's name. After I came in today, he wrote me a note.

"What is going on with me? Am I sick or what?"

Then I had to explain to him about the drug overdose- and that his heart stopped, which caused no oxygen to his brain and damaged it, but he is getting better.

This is such a sad situation. It's unsure whether he OD'ed on purpose as  a suicide attempt, overdosed because he was so high he didn't know better, or whether someone slipped something into his drink while he was at a party. Never slip something into your friend's drink thinking it's funny; the next time you see them, they may be in ICU, in a nursing home, or dead.

It was unlike anything I've ever experienced, tube feeding, bathing, and changing the diaper of a person my age. People my age rarely get sick. It's one thing to be taking care of an elderly person or a child, but someone who could very well be a collegue of mine was just... weird. And sad. I know he was a completely different person a month ago, and now he has to have someone feed him and wipe his butt for him. It's a hard thing to swallow.

A girl in my clinical had a guy today that fell out of a bar because he was so drunk. He's now braindead.

I'm unsure whether or not I am going to like neurology. I love seeing the progress people make and how far they have come, but the stories are just so sad.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Why marijuana doesn't mix with benzos

I met my patient for this coming Friday's clinical last week.

He's my age, which really kind of hit home with me. I've never taken care of a person my age. We are only a few days apart.

In December, he was smoking marijuana and took some benzodiazapines and opiates all together. I can't remember what exactly, but the lethal combination put him in full cardiac arrest. His mom found him and he was taken immediately to the hospital. He was able to be revived, but the lack of oxygen to his brain during cardiac arrest left him with permenant brain injury. No one is certain whether or not he'll walk or talk again. He has made remarkable progress thus far, but he will never be the same young man he was before.

I think this semester is going to be interesting indeed.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Gotta love it

You know what's better than having wormzzzz?

Having wormzzzz, a yeast infection, and getting your period?

Oh, and tomorrow is Monday.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I am nor sure if any of you have taken microbiology, but if you have, I'm sure you've heard of the worms. Pinworms, tapeworms, long worms, skinny worms, worms that live under your skin, worms that crawl out of you nose, worms that crawls out of you anus. Yeah, you get the picture.

When I learned of these wormzzz, I was officially a germophobe.

I had a colonoscopy last year, and the first question out of my mouth after it was over was, "Did you find any worms?" I was serious; the nurse just looked at me with a perturbed look on his face and said, "Um, no. Why? Were you worried or something?"

Tonight, I have discovered my worst fear.

I have pinworms. Ah, my life.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Mnemonics are fun and can help you remember things; cranial nerve mnemonics are just plain hilarious.

-One Of Our Two Timing Adults Found Very Good Values At Home
-Oh Once One Takes The Anatomy Final Very Good Vacations Are Heavenly
-Oh, Oh, Oh, To Touch A Female Vagina Gives Virgins Amazing Happiness

These actually stand for:

I-Olfactory nerve
II-Optic nerve
III-Oculomotor nerve
IV-Trochlear nerve
V-Trigeminal nerve
VI-Abducens nerve
VII-Facial nerve
VIII-Vestibulocochlear nerve/Auditory nerve
IX-Glossopharyngeal nerve
X-Vagus nerve
XI-Accessory nerve/Spinal accessory nerve
XII-Hypoglossal nerve
(credits to Wikipedia, for once.)

My current distraction

After about 4 years of the same phone, I finally decided it was time to upgrade. That, and my phone is currently superglued together and it hasn't been working right for a few months.

I just got a Samsung Intensity.

I love this thing! It is so easy to use and it's pretty.

And it's also currently distracting me from studying.

The rant... as promised

When I signed up for this class, Christian Social Ethics, I thought it was going to be a dry lecture that you just memorize a code of ethics for Christians.


Instead, I get a hypocritical, haughty supposedly ordianed minister who doesn't even believe the Bible is the Word of God.

Yesterday I was in class, and a student asked, "So, what is it that makes a person a Christian?" My professor's answer, "Hmmm, I say that whoever says that they are a Christian is."

Is that the same as saying that just because I say I am an astranaut, NASA will send me to the moon? Or, just because I say I am a neurosurgeon, I can perform brain surgery on someone? I didn't think so.

Admittedly, I am not a perfect person nor a perfect Christian. Sometimes a foul word or two will slip out, or I may be short with someone, but I try to set a good example for others, and as Christians (and especially as an "ordained minister"), shouldn't we be more worried about people's souls to atleast give a truthful and simple explaination? The student in my class was asking an honest question, and since my professor was already sharing what he personally believes, I think he should have gave him a more truthful answer. I would have been happier if my professor gave a thoughtful explanation even if I didn't agree with it, as long as he acted like he cared to answer the student's question.

Then, I got madder.

We moved to the topic of how Christians choose from what they derive their "code of ethics", and obviously the Bible was one. My professor talks and talks and then says this, "I believe that the Bible is just a defensive action for Christians to resist enlightenment and becoming more modern like other aspects of society". Whaaaaaaaaaat? I was about to get up and walk out of class because I was fuming after that statement, but my professor proceeded to make me so angry I literally couldn't get up.

He was still on the subject of the Bible but now he was talking about how it was written. Basically, he tried to force feed my class that the Bible is not the Word of God written by various people. It is just a cultural and historical document written by people who were indirectly inspired by God (but had no influence from God, if that makes many sense whatsoever?). Also, he told our class that the apostles Paul and John made up their books of the Bible. That's just great news for Christians all over, isn't it?

Not to mention every other word of his mouth was a curse word.

Don't get me wrong, I am not offended by cursing. My best friend curses like a sailor, and I love her to pieces. My father and brother curse like sailors, but none of them claim to be an ordianed minister!

I feel that my professor is a very poor representation of how Christians should present themselves. I completely disagree with how he is teaching this course. He is brainwashing Christians and non-Christians alike with his force-fed ideas of what he thinks Christians do and don't do. So... I am dropping that class like a hot potato and taking Philosophy 101.

I consider myself a non-denominational Christian. My faith is a very integral part of who I am, but it's not my place to force my values and beliefs on others. I completely understand if share a different view from what I have shared; just please be respectful if you choose to comment.

Monday, January 18, 2010

I dropped/am in the process of dropping my "Christian Social Ethics" class.

Rant tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Too excited

I am so darn exciting to be marrying my best friend and finally having a home in October. I am too excited to sleep, nap, eat, think... pretty much, I am too excited to function!

Since this past weekend, I have laid in bed for hours and not falled asleep past 2,3,4, sometimes 4:30 am, even if I had to be early the next day. I try to take a nap because I am so tired, but I am just too excited to sleep! I don't have much of an appetite either. My brain is so not functioning like normal. I accidentally showed up to class this morning an hour early, I keep forgetting things, and my words come out like nonesense half the time I am talking.

I am just so happy! I can't help it!

Military Mary

My professor for my last Medsurg course is quite the character, and by that I am she is a petite, 60 year old nurse, who is also a military reservist.

She began the class by saying, "Sorry if my voice is a little tired. I just spent 80 hours of military training in 4 days." (Uh lady, did you forget you're 60? Aren't you supposed to be knitting or something?)

And she's the most built 60 year old woman I have ever seem. Her guns are amazing.

Interesting combination. She's so engaging and spunky, but very tough. She almost kept my full attention for 3 straight hours.

I really enjoy learning under people like her. I like people who push me to be better and teach me all they know; I enjoy learning from people who are passionate about the subject at hand. My favorite teacher in highschool was also the one who gave me my only "C". I learned so much from him, even if I didn't get an "A".

I already know this class is going to kick my ass, but I also know that I'm going to come from it having learned a lot, and I am most excited about that.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wedding date change

After a heart-to-heart with my parents and a weekend of endless discussion, my fiance and I have decided to change our wedding date to this coming October.

It all started this weekend when I was chatting with my parents at lunch and I made a comment in passing that I wish we could get married sooner but I know they wouldn't pay my college tuition if we were married, which I totally understand. Long story short, they changed their mind because I work hard in school and have been making the Dean's List since my sophmore year, and they thing we can handle it.

We are so excited!

Monday, January 11, 2010

First day of semester was today.

It was boring.

Christian Social Ethics and Disesases in History.

Hoping and praying.

Exciting things may happen!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sweet wedding cakes... or not.

My chef cousin has been bugging me to find her some photos of wedding cakes I like for months now, since she is designing and making my wedding cake... which well over a year away, mind you. I sent her these as a joke. Some of these I actually found on professional cake baker's websites, sadly. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did... but probably not!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Hey, guess what?

I'm getting married in 1 year, 5 months.

Which is... not soon enough!


My fiance has offically and totally turned me into a nerd. I beat my first video game ever: MySims Agents.

So bittersweet.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wanna puppy?

I arrived home afer being gone a little over 5 hours. To my surprise, I found a very hyper puppy, among a few others things, like:

a chewed bottle of aspirin
a chewed clothes hanger, in about 15 pieces
a stuffed elephant with it's tail missing
an open and chewed bag of peppermint nougats
3 peppermint Dove chocolate wrappers
what I am supposing was a lint roller.

AND. (oh, here's the kicker)

A crater the size of my head in the living room couch, and lots and lots of couch stuffing around the entire living room.

After I calmed down from pacing/shrieks of madness/laughter, I called my dad.

"You might want to take mom out for a few drinks before you come home."

Dad said, "Why?"

"Oh. Um. How do I say this? Triton ate the ouch."

(I could almost hear him wince over the phone.)

Dad said, "Are you coming home tonight?"

Giggling, I said, "Hell no."

He called me a chicken. I call me smart.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Starting next week, my Mondays are going to suck balls.

6a-2:30p Work
4p-5:15p Christmas Social Ethics (whatever that means)
5:30p-6:45p Diseases in History (gag me)

Thank God the rest of the week doesn't seem quite as bad.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Dear Headache,

You've been annoying me for 3 days straight. Please. Go away. K, thanks.


Edit::Winter: a collaboration of my photographs

I'm feeling too lazy to type out everything I've enjoyed this break, so I just posted pictures instead. I've totally enjoyed my break, and even made some money working at my part-time job and occassionally photographing. I haven't even thought about school much. I haven't even thought about ordering my books yet! Oops. Anyway, onto the pictures. Enjoy.

This is Rocky, my grumpy-like-an-old-man-who-just-crapped-his-diaper cat.

Trition, the sweetfaced puppers who eats my bras.

This would be a delicious cup of coffee that my cousin made. Notice her red table. She painted it herself.
She has amazing taste.

My cutie cousin and her hubby being all sweet-like.This is them and their tree swing. It's totally charming.
I like to call this picture, "Whose walking who?" That would be my mom versus Triton (the bra-eating dog).

Beautiful barn in my cousin's backyard. I could spend a whole day taking pictures at her place.
This was the top of my mom's birthday cake. It was a tiramisu cake, and yes, it was as good as it looked!

Gingersnap cookies and red velvet sandwich cookies! I'm too lazy to post the links. Comment if you want the recipie.
I just really love this picture in its simplicity. It's currently my desktop background.

Monday, January 4, 2010

I don't think I've been this excited since I was proposed to by my fiance.

My baby brother just told me that he put a beautiful engagement ring on layaway for his girlfriend. Some would say that I am to young to think about marriage; my baby brother is 18 and so is his girlfriend, but they have been together for 3 years through thick and thin, and they really love each other. I am not sure I've seen people so in love unconditionally so young for so long. I'm really proud of them.

My brother says he won't marry his girlfriend until she gets out of college (she is in nursing school too), which I agree is a great plan. I don't think it would be as fun to spend your first year married with the stresses of nursing school. I am so excited for them, and I love his girlfriend like she is my own sister. We have such an amazing bond, and I don't think he could have picked a better person to begin a life and family with.

My favorite pup

I don't like dogs. I never have. Whenever I see a dog in public, I am not one of those people who are all over it, talking baby talk and petting it. I usually run away!

So, why on God's green earth am I in love with my brother's pooch?

(Please excuse my mom's psychadelic pj pants. They're even worse in color.)

I guess the better question would be, how could I not be in love with my brother's pooch? Look at that face. It just makes you wanna go, "Awwww".

Lord knows I should hate the sucker. Since my brother rescued him 6 weeks ago, he has:

-Terrorized my cat to the point where he won't move from the top of the refridgerator.
-Chewed my favorite bra from VS bra in half.
-Chewed my glasses.
-Eaten cat poop out of my cat's litter box.
-Ate gingerbread cookie dough right off the cookie sheet after I turned my back for .21298 seconds.
-Chewed the stuffing out of my brother's best friend's blanket.
-Ripped a hole in my mom's brand new sheets.
-Somehow found my new skeen of expensive yard and managed to cover the entire living room in it.
-Eaten egg shells.
-Threw up an entire ketchup packet.

If you've ever seen the movie Marley & Me, he's essentially a black Marley. Somehow, I just love him and I totally relish in my responsibility of being an Auntie.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Overall, I didn't end up hating 2009.

Last year, I:

-Celebrated my 20th birthday.
-Suffered one of the worst bouts of depression since middle school.
-Got engaged.
-Bought my wedding dress. (If you are my fiance, do not click this link. Thank you lovey!)
-Photographed artistic nudes for the first time.
-Had a real relationship with my dad for the first time since I was about 8 years old.
-Learned how to crochet.
-Gave money to a friend in need.
-Watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation for the first time, and loved it.
-Broke my really expensive camera.
-Started calling my fiance's mom "Mom".
-Spent the most amazing week at the beach with my grandmother. She still carries a seashell in her pocket from our week together to remind her of our time.
-Saw a 10 lb baby boy born (for the first time) named Christian Lucifer (oxymoron, anyone?).
-Started an antidepressant.
-Decided I definitely want to be a midwife.
-Helped my fiance save almost $2000 in a matter of months.
-Saw an old friend for the first time in 4 years.
-Managed to keep my 20 year old, crapass car up and running for yet another year.
-Somehow managed to put off 7 months of wedding planning with the exception of accidentally finding my wedding dress.
-Put in a cather for the first time (and passed out).
-Fell in love with my fiance more than ever.
-Become a different person, in a good way.
-Made the Dean's List again, making my parents very proud.
-Lost about 30 pounds.
-Watched my baby brother graduate and already make a very sucessful life as a brilliant mechanic.
-Gave an injection for the first time.

Friday, January 1, 2010


I feel a little weird tonight; numb almost.

This evening, I saw the guy who abused me when I was younger. I saw him, he spoke to me, and I weakly smiled. I never know how to feel when I see him, which thankfully isn't often. He has never brought it up, I wonder if he even remembers.

Sometimes, I feel numb about it, and I question myself about whether or not it happened at all. But seriously, why would my mind make up an evil trick like that? Of course he abused me. He forced to me look at him, twice. I didn't want to. I didn't want any of it. I guess I just feel numb about it, even after so many years because whenever I see him he acts totally cool around me.

I hate him.

i <3 Ikea!

My fiance and I spent our New Year's Day shopping for furniture for our cabin, and it was totally awesome.

We made the almost 2 hour trek to Ikea, and it was so worth it. We got in and got the stuff we really wanted, paid for it, and then went back in the store to browse and managed to pick up almost $300 of more stuff. There's just something about Ikea that makes you spend tons of money!

We ended up with a bed, 2 nightstands, a small dresser (our bedroom ceiling is sloped so we have to get furniture to fit specifically for that room), a TV stand (ours is in pine), and a chair. Oh, and cups.

It was so fun to spend the day together and planning for our life together. I can't wait.