Thursday, January 21, 2010


I am nor sure if any of you have taken microbiology, but if you have, I'm sure you've heard of the worms. Pinworms, tapeworms, long worms, skinny worms, worms that live under your skin, worms that crawl out of you nose, worms that crawls out of you anus. Yeah, you get the picture.

When I learned of these wormzzz, I was officially a germophobe.

I had a colonoscopy last year, and the first question out of my mouth after it was over was, "Did you find any worms?" I was serious; the nurse just looked at me with a perturbed look on his face and said, "Um, no. Why? Were you worried or something?"

Tonight, I have discovered my worst fear.

I have pinworms. Ah, my life.


  1. Is it wrong that I am absolutely dying of laughter right now? I know, I'm a horrible person... :-D

  2. Really? Is it really common? Cause I learned all about the worms, but it's kinda like tv - that stuff only happens to OTEHR people, right? Argh. Sorry it happened to you!

  3. It is actually fairly common with kids, but with adults... not so much.

  4. Im sorry bout the worms.....I love the new look by the way!!!
