-I stay way too late crocheting, because I'm addicted.
-I can't brush my teeth without the water on.
-I knocked over a camera tripod the other day at school because I didn't realize how large my bookbag was, and I broke it.
-I hate wearing pants. Actually, I hate wearing clothes in general.
-I never clean the panini maker. I just wipe the crumbs out. My family would be horrified if they knew I did this.
-Everyone in my family assumes I'll be a virgin on my wedding night. (sorry!)
-I am a huge procrastinator. Like right now, I have a paper due at 6pm, and I'm about halfway done. (oops).
-Sometimes I forget to eat breakfast. And lunch.
-I always feel guilty for having a take a little white pill to make me not crazy when I go to the pharmacy to pick it up every month because kids I went to highschool with work there.
-Sometimes my friends annoy me and I wish they would go away.
-I hand out money to the sketchy people on the side of the road who hold the buckets to "help the mentally challenged people" even though my mother tells me not to cause, they're really sketchy.
Holy cow, we must be related... I must confess nearly all the things on your list are also things I'm guilty of. Except, you know, the sex before marriage thing. OF COURSE I didn't have sex (a lot) before I got married. *cough*