Wednesday, November 4, 2009


It's that time of year again. No, not Thanksgiving and Christmas; the other that time. Registering for classes. Now I'm not sure how many other college students have a difficult time with registering for classes the next semester, but I have great diffculties every year.

This semester I had an appointment with my advisor. She never showed up, as usual. I had to wait 3 and a half hours to meet with someone else, who couldn't even approve me, but just looked at my schedule and said, "Okay, looks good. I will tell your advisor to approve this." Gee, thanks.

For our lovely university, we have to do online registration. Usually it decides to glitch the exact day we are allowed to register. All of us psychotic nursing students stay up or set our alarms for 12am on the dot to register the day we are allowed. Hence, I set my alarm to get up and register. "You are not approved to register at this time."

My question is: Why are my parents and I paying thousands of dollars for this again?

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