Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dear Universe

Life has been ultra strange lately. It seems like bad things keep happening, so I decided to write a letter to the Universe in hopes that maybe, just maybe, things will start to get better.

Dear Universe,

Please stop making my life difficult. I will not be phased by you, because, see, here's the thing. Yes, my cousin found out she is pregnant and she is distraught, and yes, my fiance's uncle committed suicide, and yes, we had to bury him today, and yes, my fiance's computer died yesterday, and yes, his truck and broken and we also owe the vet $400 because the cat ripped out her stitches (darnit, Keiko!), and yes, I am going slightly crazy and may need a medication adjustment, and yes, finals are coming up in 2 weeks, and yes, we had to put the family dog of 13 years to sleep last night, but I refuse to get down about everything.

Because, here's the thing. Bad things keep happening, but at the same time, good things are too, and I have decided that the good things will outweight the bad things, so you may as well stop trying to get me down.




  1. Oh my gosh. Good for you for keeping your chin up. Things HAVE to get better! I can relate, as things have been a nightmare in my life, but I like you, refuse to go down!

  2. Hugs, hugs, hugs. When it rains, it freaking pours. I am so sorry you've been dealing with SO MUCH CRAP lately :-(. But hey... things will probably start looking up soon, right? I'll keep my figures crossed and send happy thoughts/prayers your way.
