-I love the simple things in life, like gingerbread tea by the fireplace, and basking in the warmth and feeling the wrinkles on my lover's hand.
-I am caught somewhere between 50's housewife and modern and independant women. Until I met my fiance, I swore I was going to be single for the rest of my life. I don't need a man in my life to make me happy. At the same time, I love pleasing my man. I am happy spending hours "barefoot in the kitchen", and I want to be a stay at home mum one day. I like to quilt and scrapbook like an old lady.
-On of my biggest regrets is not getting to know my great-grandmother before she passed away, although this was not all my doing. My mom sheltered us from certain situations, and I am grateful for that, but there's so much I want to ask her.
-I'm a germophobe.
-I like gross things, like popping pimples, and watching surgery. Taking rectal temperatures and cleaning up other people's poop doesn't even phase me.
-I rarely wear makeup anymore. I am pretty without it.
-I have to sleep with my feet uncovered or it drives me crazy.
-My brother is hot. We look nothing alike.
-I fall in love with everyone, even people I've never met. I can love someone 2 seconds after meeting them. Sometimes I think caring and loving other is the only thing I'm good at.
-Sometimes the things people say or do bother me, but I don't let them get me down. If someone says "you can't do that", I just want to do it more and prove to them that, yes, I can.
-I never had a favorite color until I was 20, when my fiance finally convinced me that it was okay to have a favorite. I felt bad being partial to all the other colors out there. I like blue :)
-I still don't have a favorite food.
-I hate spending money.
-I am thankful for everything.
-When you do something for me or give me something, no matter how small, I will thank you 20 times, or until you politely ask me to stop. I'm ridiculous. I just try to be grateful for people's kindness.
-I don't like mashed potatoes.
-I sleep nekkid
-I got engaged 6 months ago and I still haven't started wedding planning. I am excited to get married and finally live and be with my other half for eternity, but I just dont' want to plan a wedding. It's too easy to get caught up in the "stuff". Plus it's expensive!
-I'm shy and opinionated at the same time. I rarely have anything to say to people I don't know well, but when I do, I call things like they are.
-I love women. Skinny women, fat women, short women, tall women, mean women, nice women, white women, purple women. I don't care. Women are amazing, and beautiful. It's so amazing how a creature so delicate can be so incredible strong at the same time. I think it's part of the future midwife in me.
-My best friend and I are polar opposites. I'm not even sure why we are friends, other than we complete each other because we are so different. She's the missing puzzle to me.
-I never had a relationship with my dad until this year. I grew up always wishing I could be "daddy's little girl", fantasizing about being told, "I love you" and "I'm proud of you" and being spoiled. Instead, (pardon my language) I got a dickhead of a father. Then things changed, mostly me. I forgave him and started holding no expectations, good or bad. Things got better, and now I am happy to say that I love my father, good and bad.
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