Sunday, November 29, 2009

Parents using Facebook

Both of my parents got a Facebook a few weeks ago. I was pretty surprised when they told me, just because they are not very... technologically literate? It's actually kind of cute.

Until they start talking about FB all the time. I think they spend more time on there than I do (not that it's very much because I'm busy with school all the time). It gets kind of awkward sometimes though.

Like last night:

Dad (excitedly talking to my mom): Honey, did you see what I posted on Jamie's wall?
Mom (laughing): Yeah! Did you see my status?



  1. My parents both got on there and added me when I moved... freaked me out... especially because they know nothing of my blog, and absolutely zilch about all my depression and treatment. They're really weird about those kinds of things, so I never felt safe telling them. I had to block their IP address so they couldn't access my blog via facebook!

  2. Oh, I bet that was scary! I think I remember reading about when your found your blog.
